Hello Friends and Parishioners of St. Alphonsus Church:
This is Fr. Jim Harvey. I want to bring you up to date on the status of our building project.
After 2 years of preliminary planning and taking the initial steps toward designing a dedicated worship space, The Parish Council, Finance Council and Feasibility Task Force recommended that I submit a letter to the Bishop requesting the required Diocesan Building Committee's approval to move forward.
In my letter, I indicated that while it would probably be necessary to raise additional funds and was therefore requesting permission to do so, that given our current situation under the pandemic, that this would be a difficult time to try and conduct any capital campaign.
On the weekend of October 7/8, our building committee chairperson, Charleen McMahan presented our proposed preliminary plans after each of our Masses. We live streamed this presentation on our Parish Face book Page.
The response back from the Diocese is that the building itself as we submitted it does not adequately meet the current and future needs of our parish. Our project is on hold for at least one year, until we are able to reassess the size of the new church building and can begin a capital campaign to raise the additional funds necessary. Bishop Stika expressed his gratitude and appreciation to each of you, to our parish leaders and especially to the committees of parishioners who have been working so diligently these past 2 years.
I want to personally express my gratitude to our folks who have brought us this far. Please continue to pray for the success of this exciting new chapter in our history. God bless you.